Previously I posted photos of caterpillars that have emerged all over our area. This is due to the beautiful green foliage growing from our near record breaking desert rains.

Today I discovered the beautiful White-lined Sphinx month that these fascinating caterpillars eventually become.

I was more that thrilled to discover several hovering in the flowers of a desert willow on my morning walk. What I read when I returned is that they are sometimes called the hummingbird moth. I agree! That is exactly how I described them to my husband when I texted him in excitement after my discovery.

They are challenging to photograph because they do not land (at least they were not landing this morning). I read that they beat their wings much faster than normal moths which allows them to hover like hummingbirds.

I realized later that I saw one on our house (under our porchlight) when I left at dawn. They are more beautiful in flight when you can see their pink tones.

I expect I will see many more if the number of caterpillars are any indication. But it was amazing to discover them this morning.

I also ready they can actually swarm in some areas and devour plants and crops. Our local news Friday night said normally they will migrate elsewhere. Because of our rains and plant growth they stayed here.

Someone somewhere is missing their White-lined Sphinx moths!

I found them to be mesmerizing and beautiful 💚🤎

Below is a caterpillar from this morning's walk, still clinging to the green plants by the thousands!