I courageously take a step into the expanse of my heart. There is so much to explore. I see a series of mountains and valleys, varying in height and depth. I look up and notice the sky. The sun is bright, and the color of the clouds varies from the brightest white to the darkest grey. Right in front of me, I notice a body of water. I walk to the bank and look down, but all I can see is my reflection. I can't quite see below the surface. I look across the water and spot some wildflowers on the bank across from me. Some are wilted and some stand tall. Seems fitting. At the base of the mountains, I notice trees, some tall and full of bright colored leaves, others hanging on to the last bit of life left in them. Death and life. It all works together to make the expanse more complex and unique. I could spend my life here and never explore every nook and cranny. I slowly turn in a circle to take it all in. It takes my breath away. I feel brave standing here amidst it all. I also feel scared.Continue reading "The Expanse of My Heart"