Has it ever occurred to those families who try there upmost to actually guide children friends or family members..

Those who are familiar with the break down in relationship with those closest to our heart's..

Did it ever occur to you something deep down is seriously getting in the way to how the child friend or actual family member..

Could be unknowingly actually fighting the biggest fight of there lives deep down within..


Did the individual who tried everything to guide a child friend or family member..

Ever imagine how the child friend or family member was unknowingly fighting a fight from within themselves..

In which simply damages relationship the child friend or family member..

Has within themselves never mind you or anyone else struggling individual's are not ignorant..

To help support which is on offer but the simply slowly lose touch with themselves..

Which paves way to why the actually go on a path of destruction because the cannot see past themselves..

This is why struggling individual's don't offer anything back in return..

For the effort which you actually put in to guide a child friend or family member..

Who simply has an unknown underlying struggle..

Other than simply keep going further and further off the rails on the same path of destruction..

Which forces individual's with destructive personality traits to repetitively relapse time and time again..

If we actually could understand what was happening within the individual who struggles..

We could inturn actually intervene before the struggling individual takes his or her own path of destruction..

Path of destruction..

Which in the moment may actually soothe the underlying pressure but ultimately in the long ruins them..

When there is an unnatural force which unnaturally is behind the fight..

Which struggling individual's have..

Unknown to them..

Is constantly beating them down from within..

This simply has to be recognized before it manifests with drink drugs up until the individual and yourself loses touch with one another..

The is ways to create intervention if we understand what is disrupting the mechanisms beneath mechanic's of struggling individual's..

When we cannot see how we create the right intervention for someone who suffers unknowingly with a stealth condition..

These individual's possibly always will be a shadow of themselves and eventually will more than likely take matters into there own hands..

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