I was delighted to get back to Berlin a couple of weeks ago. I had several things IO wanted to see and do and, of course, one of those was check out the street art. I popped into the Kino Cafe alley off Rosenthaler Strasse and many of the pieces were the same as my last trip in October 2019. The COVID travel restrictions have impacted street artists just as much as the rest of us.

But one of my favourite artists had been commissioned to do a new piece in August 2020, just along the wall from the batman piece he created with Liz Art Berlin back in May 2019.

Charlie Chaplin by Otto Schade (aka Osch), Haus Schwarzenberg, Mitte, Berlin, image taken August 2021



Copyright Debbie Smyth, 30 August 2021

Enjoying street art has become a regular event on my travels around the world: more of my findings can be seen here
For even more art, pop over to see Sami at Monday Mural
