Monday was Haibun Monday over at dVerse.  This morning I was feeling the joys of August. This afternoon's sun was intense.  This evening, the crickets are louder than ever.  As far as summer months go, this one is pretty much my favourite.  So, why not write a little ode to it?

The sun is still up before I am, for now, just not quite as high as it was one month ago.  This morning's run is in slightly cooler temps.  The light feels softer, the sun's rays longer.  As the sun rises, so do the heat and humidity, reminding me of those dog days of summer that I cherish, knowing that it's a question of time before autumn comes in and paints the trees in golds, oranges and reds and when the "fond de l'air" gets chilled.  But for now, August reigns supreme.

The butterflies and bees flitter and buzz about with wild abandon and the bunnies keep me company, sometimes hopping alongside me, most times doing an about-face and leaving me with a vision of a white little puff ball bouncing away.

The darkness comes earlier and the crickets seem to be holding a cacophonous sing off. Which choir is pitch perfect?

August is a rush

Everything is more intense

Last blast of summer