An 11-inch-long Roman stone-carved penis has recently been unearthed in Yorkshire, Britain during an archaeological dig. The artefact has stunned the Global Community, as the phallus - complete with impressive details like a line of ejaculate - is believed to date back to the early years of the Ancient Roman Empire's occupation of Britain that had begun in the 1st Century AD.

The Northern Archaeological Associates has claimed that the stone-carved penis was actually found in 2014. However, it took seven years to analyse the artefact, along with other objects, found at the site. Archaeologists have informed the media that they discovered thousands of Roman era artefacts, including the phallus, during the dig at the town of Catterick in northern part of Yorkshire. They have said that the Highways England Company Limited, a State-owned company charged with operating, maintaining and improving England's motorways and major A roads, and infrastructure firm AECOM have been digging that area since 2013.

The stone-carved penis

The Archaeologists have also found a 2,000-year-old Pistachio nut and nearly 62,000 archeological elements, there. A senior spokesperson of the Highways Agency has issued a statement, saying that it was not possible to confirm whether the pistachio nut had been imported from southern Iberia, the north of African coast, Greece, or the Near East. "Pistachios were first brought to Italy by Vitellius, the father of the Emperor, who served in the Levant in the late AD 30s," he stressed.

The pistachio was found at the bottom of a 1st Century well

Meanwhile, the British Government has confirmed that all the items, including 2.8 tonnes of animal bones and 2.5 tonnes of pottery, would be kept at the Yorkshire Museum. Experts have welcomed the Government's announcement, stressing that the collection provides the most important insight ever into life in the city of a Roman fort. Speaking at a media conference in the third week of July, Principal Heritage Adviser to AECOM Dr Jonathan Shipley stated that the discovery "will greatly enhance our understanding of the site's development".

More than 62,000 objects were unearthed by archaeologists

For her part, Helen McLean of AECOM stressed: "This complements 17 years of integrated archaeological and engineering work on the A1." She added: "There have been some spectacular discoveries in the course of archaeological work, which have greatly increased our archaeological knowledge." According to McLean, excavations along the A1 are considered to have special potential in terms of historical discoveries as the modern road partly follows the old Roman route between York and Hadrian's Wall.

Jewellery was also found, including this brooch in a hare design

It may be noted that Paleontologists unearthed a fossil from the Jurassic period in southwest China in late May 2021. The fossil, which is 70% intact, belongs to a dinosaur believed to be nearly 8mt in length. The 180-million-year-old fossil was discovered in the city of Lufeng, situated in China's Yunnan Province.

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