The tyrannic Prince saps the foundation of his own empire." The King was offended at the Vizier's wise admonition, and ordered him to be bound and committed to prison. A short time after, the sons of the King's uncle commenced hostilities, and appeared in arms, and claimed possession of their father's dominions. A number of people, who on account of his oppression had absconded, now joined the enemy and supported them; till at length the King was dispossessed of the kingdom, and they obtained it.

The King who suffers the poor to be oppressed, will find in the day of adversity, his friends become powerful foes. Be on good terms with your subjects, and sit down secure from the attack of your enemy; for, to a just monarch, his subjects are an army.

Experienced the inconvenience

A King was sitting in a vessel with a Persian slave. The boy having never before seen the sea, nor experienced the inconvenience of a ship, began to cry and lament and his whole body was in a tremour. Notwithstanding all the soothing that were offered, he would not be pacified. The King's diversion was interrupted, and no remedy could be found. A philosopher, who was in the ship, said, "If you will command me, I will silence him." The King replied, "It will be an act of great kindness." The philosopher ordered them to throw the boy into the sea, and after several plunges, they laid hold of the hair of his head, and dragging him towards the ship, he clung to the rudder with both his hands.

When he got out of the water, he sat down quietly in a corner of the vessel. The King was pleased, and asked, how this was brought about. The philosopher replied, "At first he had never experienced the danger of being drowned; neither knew he the safety of a ship." In like manner, he knoweth the value of prosperity who hath encountered adversity. 0 thou who hast satisfied thine hunger; to thee a barley loaf is beneath notice; that seems loveliness to me, which in thy sight appears deformity. To the nymphs of paradise, purgatory would be hell; and ask the inhabitants of hell whether purgatory is not paradise. There is a difference between him who claspeth his mistress in his arms, and him whose eyes are fixed on the door expecting her.

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