They lift you high................................

above the earth .................................

tough, beautiful Araucaria..............

from the southern heights,....................

tower of Chile,....................................

crown of the green domain; ...........

pavilion of winter;............................

ship of fragrance ...............................

- from Ode to the Araucaria Araucana by Pablo Neruda (1904-1973)

Monkey puzzle tree (Araucaria Araucana), Kew Gardens, London, June 2019

Alta sobre la tierra

te pusieron,

dura, hermosa araucaria

de los australes montes,

torre de Chile

punta del territory verde

pabellón del invierno, 

nave de la fragancia ...

- from Oda a la Araucaria Araucana by Pablo Neruda (1904-1973)


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Copyright Debbie Smyth, 10 July 2021

Posted as part of Becky's TreeSquare
