He whose bread people do not eat in his lifetime, when he dies they mention not his name. Joseph the Just, when there was a famine in Egypt, ate not his fill, in order that he might not forget those who were hungry. The widow relishes grapes, and not the master of the vineyard, lie who lives in ease and wealth, how can he know what it is to be hungry? He knows the condition of the distressed, whose own circumstances are needy. 0 thou, who art mounted on a swift horse, reflect that the ass laden with thorns is sticking in the mud. Ask not fire from the house of the neighbouring Durwesh, for that which issues from his chimney is the smoke of his heart.

In a season of scarcity and drought, inquire not of a distressed Durwesh how he does; unless you moan to apply ointment to his wound by giving him sustenance. When you see a loaded ass Sticking in the mud, take compassion on him, or at any rate pass not over his head; but when you proceed and inquire how he came there, bind up your loins as beeometh a man, and lay hold of the , ass's tail.


Two things are morally impossible; to enjoy more than Providence has allotted, or to die before the appointed time. Destiny will not be altered by our uttering a thousand lamentations and sighs, nor by our praises or complaints. The angel who presides over the treasury of winds, what does he care if the lamp of an old widow is extinguished?


0 thou who art in want of subsistence, be confident that thou shalt eat. And thou whom death hath required, flee not, for thou const not preserve thy life. With or without your exertion, Provi- donee will bestow daily bread; and if thou shouldst be in the jaws of the lion or of the tiger, they could not devour you excepting on the day of your destiny.


That which is not allotted, the hand cannot reach; and what is allotted will find you, wliere- ever you may be. You have heard with what toil Seconder penetrated to the land of darkness; and that, after all, he did not taste the water of immortality.

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