Today's Bible Reading- Psalm Chapters 59-61 & Acts Chapter 28 Verses 17-31.

Good morning, my friends. I hope you're well. It's a bit overcast this morning, but there's only a 30% chance of rain today. Maybe it's just the sun hasn't come up yet. I don't know. We are expecting a high of 96* today.

I started to clean out the linen closet yesterday. It took quite a while because it was pretty stinking hot. I finally got the bottom section cleared out, and I'll deal with the luggage today. I sprayed the carpet with my homemade carpet spray, and I left it overnight to work.

The second section of the linen closet has been cleared. It's towels and washcloths. I'm washing everything up, dividing it by season and purpose (kitchen vs. regular), and I'm trying to make space where I can keep highly used supplies (toilet paper, garbage bags, facial tissue, etc.)

The problem I'm having is that each section is only 27"x32". I also have to make sure nothing is hanging over or else the door will squish it. The linen closet is home to the above mentioned items plus our sheets and some of our decorations.

Personally, I'd love to make some kind of rack in the den where I can hang garlands and wreaths, as that is much of what we put up. The only time we really go out with decorating is Christmas, and last year I didn't really put everything out. We had a couple of things, but I don't remember putting every single thing out. Maybe I did. I don't know.

Anyhoo. Today is Friday, so I have banking to do, the linen closet to finish, laundry to wash, laundry soap to make, and I may go ahead and get the cat food. I also am expecting a delivery today, so I'd like to be here for that. Y'all, I'm trying to write this without any coffee in my system. There was something else I needed to do. Oh! Mom has another prescription to pick up.

It seems like it'll be a full day today. I'm not sure my pumpkin plant is going to make it, though. I did give it a fertilizer boost yesterday, but I'm wondering if one too many squash bugs got to it. I hope not. I was really looking forward to pumpkins this year. Thankfully, I still have seeds, so I can plant next year.

Which reminds me. I need to purchase some seeds! I'll have to get online later today and get some seeds ordered. I want to have a good selection to choose from. You never know. The way our current regime is acting, we may have to farm our own food.

That's all for now, folks. I need to get the coffee started so I can think straight while reading the Bible. Love you all and until next time, stay safe my friends. ❤

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