Who doesn't have hopes and dreams? I do. I hope by the time I retire I can make a road trip for an entire month. I want to retire at 62 because at this point, I'm tired of working. However, everything can change depends on my health insurance. Then it will be at 65 not an extra day. I want to spend time with my grandchildren, to relax and enjoy the rest of my life. If I get bored, I can get a part-time job that I can enjoy without killing myself.

I hope by 62 I have enough money to live comfortably without any problems. So many hopes and dreams that if it comes true, I will be amazed. Yes, amazed. When I think, I have everything figured out something happens. Let's hope and wait how it goes.  I will keep hoping that when I turned 62, I can retire and enjoy my time.

SoCS~ Hope


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