Some simple ideas help us avoid troubles. I can choose to walk away people who are discouraging me.

Family is the basic structure of society, it provides incredible experiences and imparts us with culture and knowledge. It helps us become productive citizens to the society.

I choose not to provoke anyone. This altercation only leads to loss for both parties.

One has to realize that a drunk wouldn't accept their fault because their brain not functioning properly. Some times they purposefully create problems for themselves to promote their own agenda. Moving away from such an atmosphere, is the only answer.

Everybody has their own limitations at pleasing others. Some people do not understand this and will keep pushing you.

Don't stress about the past or the future. Live for the present. Every day is different from the day before.

The only way to enlighten your soul is by fulfilling your designated roles and trusting in God. I learned these simple ideas help me in recent years. Thank you for reading.

Feelings Of A Wanderer – Natural Disaster