Life is supposedly easier if we are living in the right city, town, country, doing whatever it is that we love.  And that's true, for a lot of people.  If you hate cities you won't be happy living in one, same goes for country life.

It seems to me, however, that we don't actually choose anything.  Our bodies just follow the instructions it gets from hormones and all the chemicals that run through us, along with our core personalities, the one's we come here with. Those things send instructions to our brains, and our brains forward the information to us in some very creative ways.

Newborns have likes and dislikes and they respond to things according to who they are.  Just ask Piaget, or was it Erikson?  I think it was Piaget.   Anyway, our innate personalities are responsible for the things we end up liking, doing, or getting ourselves into.  We like to think we're in charge, but...we really aren't.  I've said it before, our bodies are just the cars our brains drive to get from one place to another.  I'm not sure where our programming comes from, but it's there.  Naturally, it can be impacted by our environment.

Parenting doesn't always go hand in hand with budding creativity.  Instead it's job is to turn innocent children into drones who will not cause trouble and will dedicate their lives to making the rich and powerful more rich and powerful.  Then those adult workers will grow old and hope their social security doesn't get stollen by the rich and powerful they helped stay that way, so they won't have to eat cat food and live under a viaduct in a cardboard box.   In between work and driving back and forth, people usually clean, mow the lawn, or shovel snow.  Because idle hands are the devil's work, or something like that.  A saying that was surely written by rich people who do little to no work at all.  And why should they?  That's what everyone else is for.  And where do the rich get their money?  From us, of course.  If that makes sense, then so does giving themselves huge raises, while telling the workers the economy tanked and there's no money for them.

Children may also be brought up to follow in someone's footsteps and be encouraged, forced, or pushed into becoming a doctor, lawyer, General, mother, whatever.  Happiness doesn't always play a part in what others demand of their children.  Guilt and manipulation are powerful tools.  But it's always for the child's best, even though it's for the parent's best.

Sometimes we do things because we're just good at doing them.   Why are people good at certain things?  Who knows.  Past life?  Knack?  Natural talent?  Whatever.  Some people know what they want to be from the age of two.  I still don't know what I want to be, but I was born before the asteroid hit the earth, so my choices are becoming more limited by the day.  I'm not sure that I'm actually good at anything.  And my attention span is...