Don't be made at me, Rochelle!  I was drawing a blank on what to do with this picture and then I saw in my ever-expanding draft files, the WWP for "tether".  Suddenly I had a story.  So, merging two prompts is what I done did.  That means you only have 80 words to read.  Well, that and the blah blah I am doing as an intro 😉  I'm forgiven, right? Please?  Thanks go to Roger Bultot for the use of his photo - wonder if he will ever play FF with us again?  Should YOU feel like playing, just click on the frog below and add your fabulous 100 word story (don't use me as a guide, you can use twenty more words!) and add your link!

©Roger Bultot

Frog Door Knocker by Michael Healy-Brass/Blue Green Finish

No Need to Go Out

The doorbell rang and she looked through the peephole. "Yes, who is it?"

"Package for you, Ma'am.  Need you to sign."

"Just leave it at the door, please."


"NO! Leave it.  Just mark it delivered to Dot Parker. All the others do it."

"Fine."  As he walked away, she heard him mutter "Stupid nutter."

They say I'm tethered to my home.  No, I'm not. I just don't need to go out there. 

At least that's what she told herself.


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