Boris Johnson has confirmed that all restrictions in England will be lifted on July 19th.

I then watched the BBC News earlier this week where he said, "This pandemic is not over. We cannot go back to normal life."

So why is he lifting all restrictions in England?

The daily number of infections is rising again, and at a rather alarming rate (on Tuesday of this week, the reported number of new infections was 34,371 - a 28.1% increase from 7 days ago). Surely we're now in the third wave? Chris Whitty, the chief medical officer for England, said that people should avoid crowded areas and "unnecessary meetings" as far as possible after July 19th.

I know that we're all fed up. I know that the vaccination program has been an unqualified success (although we're still short of the percentage required for herd immunity). I know that test events appear to have been successful.

But something, somewhere, is causing this new surge in cases.

I had my fingers crossed, just like you, for a 'normal' Summer, but it doesn't appear to be likely. Not this year, at any rate.

So I'll be the one in a face mask, the one who is keeping her distance, the one who is avoiding large crowds, the one who isn't going anywhere near an airport, the one who will make do with a Summer of staycationing.

'Normal' life is still out there; it's just a little further away than we'd hoped for.

What are your thoughts on the lifting of Covid restrictions?