On September 9 Radio Sofia announced solemnly early in the morning that the former government had been overthrown and a new government of the Fatherland Front had been formed in its stead with Kimon Georgiev at the head, who was a representative of the Zveno Political Union. On the same day the Fatherland Front government declared war on nazi Germany and began to withdraw its troops from Aegean Thrace and Macedonia. Total mobilization was carried out and the entire Bulgarian army was concentrated on the western frontier to form the southern flank of the Third Ukrainian Front under the command of Marshal Tolbukhin.

The Bulgarian troops waged a number of bloody battles with the Germans and liberated, in conjunction with the Yugoslav partisans, large parts of Macedonia and part of southern Serbia. After that a crack army, 120,000-strong, was formed (called First Army) under the command of General Vladimir Stoichev, which fought for the liberation of Yugoslavia and Hungary.

Peace Conference in Paris

The Bulgarian people called this war the Patriotic War, for it was of great importance for their homeland's future. Having shed the blood of 30,000 of its sons in the war for the defeat of nazi Germany, Bulgaria appeared at the Peace Conference in Paris in 1946 with a clear con-science. The Bulgarian delegates did not deny the responsibilities of the overthrown monarcho-fascist regime, but had all the grounds to reject the Bulgarian people's responsibilities for Bulgaria's joining the Tripartite pact and appealed for a just peace. With the resolute support of the Soviet delegation Greece's pretensions for Bulgarian territories in the Rhodopes were rejected. According to the Peace Treaty signed on February 10, 1947, Bulgaria retained her pre-war territories, including Southern Dobroudja which had been received from Romania by peaceful means in 1940.

Thus, with the decisive help of the Soviet Union, the third national catastrophe, which was imminent for Bulgaria, was forestalled and popular rule was established in the country. The Communist Party and the Agrarian Party had the majority in the organs of power.

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