Today's Bible Reading- Psalm Chapters 1-3 & Acts Chapter 16 Verses 1-15.

Good morning, my friends. I hope you're well. I am recovering from a long evening of fishing! Pop, Mom and I went out yesterday afternoon, and we didn't get home until after 11 last night. We picked some supper up before we headed home, and then by the time we were finished eating, it was close to 12:30.🥴. I am one tired human. We didn't catch anything, but it was relaxing. Sort of. I was really hoping to catch a fish.

Our weather today is expected to be a high of 89° with a 40% chance of rain.

I have yet to feed the cats, but they were fed supper when we got home last night. I also have yet to read my Bible. Gracie is once again chilling on my pillow. I woke up to her meowing at my mom wanting morning mom noms. 😂. She follows Mom around and meows until she gets her beloved nom noms. She loves that stuff!

I haven't seen any pumpkin sprouts, but I still have a few days for them to pop up. If they haven't come up in the next 5 days, then I will assume that the seeds were bum and I may try again. I do have some more lettuce and carrot seeds, so I definitely will be planting those. I may put them where the cucumber and zucchini plants are at. Both of those plants are winding down.

I was thinking about what to replace my rose bush with. I'm almost tempted to put in a blueberry bush or two. Maybe have some edible landscaping. I don't know. We'll see.

In other news, Pop heads out to his new contract today. Prayers for safe travels would be appreciated. He really enjoyed the fishing yesterday, though. The next time he's home, we'll probably do some more fishing. It'll most likely be colder, so I may look for trout fishing spots. I've never tried trout before. Mom and Pop have. Our groceries are getting pretty low, though, so I may go to the store today. Mom has some prescriptions to get as well, so I see a trip to the loathed Walmart.

Well, that's my update, folks. The coffee is still trying to kick in and wake my brain up. This is my second cup, too. Just one of those days, I guess. 😆 Love you all and until next time, stay safe my friends.❤

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