What is the meaning of life ?

Thoughts for today ...

Have you ever sat there and wondered what is the meaning of life and why am I here?? It's no joke . If it's the song that plays daily in your mind & If you didn't come out of your mother's womb knowing you would be a nurse , doctor, writer , etc. then you are probably wondering from time to time, if not daily , what on earth am I here to do .

What is the meaning of life ??

Today we are gonna talk about just that.

I have done a few things along my journey with the attempt to try and figure out what my life purpose is . Trust me, I don't have it all figured out.. but I have come to the conclusion on a few things.

It's about LOVE ❤

It's about relationships and finding your tribe so things in your life can be more meaningful and You can make some memories.

Spending time with those you hold close is super important. So do it . No matter how busy you are, try and find a little time to make some memories. Those memories are what will pull you through when times get tough. I promise.

I love Oprah , she's amazing . I hope I get to meet her someday . Her and Brendan Burchard are my favorite influencers . I also love Joel Osteen and Terri Savelle Foy. Finding some influencers who inspire you to be a better version of yourself each day makes life better .

Minimize Distractions

Distractions are the killer of your Dreams. They keep you from having what you want. Learning to focus really can do you some good. It helps to keep a calendar/ planner of your goals and stick to it . What gets scheduled gets done ☑

Phone distractions, emails , almost anything can be a distraction. But remember it is only a distraction if it actually kept you from doing something meaningful/ productive. Not everything is a distraction. If you schedule time to just watch TV, then TV is not a distraction because it was scheduled in. If you had scheduled time to check your emails then checking emails is not a distraction. You get it .

There's a time and place for everything. It's OK to do the things that you want as long as you set the intention of doing it .

What makes you happy?

Make a list of the things that make you happy. This will be the list that you will use when you're feeling down. You can refer back to this list each and every time you need it. We all have those days where we just get down on our luck.

It's OK to feel down from time to time. You just don't want to stay there. Depression is a real thing and if you don't put actionable steps into place you can find yourself stuck there.. I'm not a big fan of prescriptions so I keep myself a constant student of personal development and have been for at least 15 years.. it's works for me for the most part . I do get sad from time to time but I always keep a running list of things that will help me feel better, such as inspirational YouTube videos, inspiring blogs and quotes to read . I love affirmations as well . Having a running list of things you can refer to when you start to feel down can really help pick you back up pretty quickly.

Remember for the most part, you will only go as far as you're willing to fight for. We have to fight for most of the things that we want in life. The things that we want most in life are the things we tend to get done. your priorities always rule over everything else. So if you are not getting where do you want in life it's because your priorities need to be double checked. What are you making top priority?

It has been said that if you woke up each day and just did one productive thing, even though one thing doesn't seem like much, you would be far more productive than most people in the world 🌍 try it !

Do you know your purpose?

What's your purpose? What's your mission? Why are you here and what do you want to do with your life? Think about your values and beliefs. What creates emotion in your blood when the topic comes up?

What means the most to you? What brings you the most joy? This all could be an indication of what you want to do with your life and what your hair to do. Your life purpose is one of those things that when you figure it out it's probably the best day of your life..

If you don't know what your life purpose is .. set an intention to figure it out. Some of these questions above could be what helps you figure it out. I really hope in moves you in the direction of your mission. Most of the time when people know what their life purpose is they don't have a problem getting up in the morning. So if you struggle to get out of bed each day you are not on the right track!

What would your perfect day be like. If you woke up tomorrow and you had won the lottery and you could do anything that you wanted to. The possibilities are unlimited. Write it all out.

This day would be the best day ever.

Whatever you would do or however you would spend your day is a good indication of what your passion is. Your passion tends to be connected to your purpose..

Sometimes you might sit there and think well there's nothing that I really love to do. And that's OK. You just need to dig a little deeper. The story of my life. Your not alone

There are tons and tons and tons of YouTube videos and blog posts all over the web, I would really start to journal and set it an intention to figure this out ASAP if you want to live a better life . I think a life filled with passion and joy is the best way to live you life here on earth. You got this !

One of the keys to happiness for me is being productive. Sometimes I have a terrible habit of putting too much on myself, because the more productive I am .. the happier I tend to feel. My pet Peave is laziness .

Morning routines

Having a good morning routine that helps to move you closer to figuring out what your purpose is is one thing that can set you up for success. You would be surprised if the ways it can change your life.

I like to use Tony Robbins "hour of power?".

It's A process that utilizes an hour in the morning and three different segments of 20 mins . So for example 20 minutes of journaling, 20 minutes of reading, and 20 minutes of fitness. You can utilize it however you want to.

Incorporate your morning routine when everyone else is still asleep. I find this is the best way for me to work it out. It allows me to focus on the things that are important, take a little bit of time for myself, and get things done. So for example mine may be 20 minutes of journaling, 20 minutes of reading, and 20 minutes of my dirty 20 . That's where I take the last 20 minutes of my hour and I do some random cleaning around the house. You would be amazed at what 20 minutes will get you in the morning when you have no distractions by the kiddos or anyone else . I can almost get my whole entire kitchen cleaned in that time.


Meditation is a good tool to use to silence the monkey mind when you're trying to focus your attention on figuring out what your purpose is. Meditation helps us understand our own mind. We can learn how to transform our minds through the power of the meditation process. When you are new at meditation it can be difficult to steal your mind for 3 to 5 minutes even.. what I recommend is starting small and work your way to the amount of time that works for your lifestyle. Be easy on yourself when you're mine begins to wander off. The brain is wired to think, that's it mechanism for protecting you. So let it be, and notice it, and go back to clearing your mind. Sometimes have any focus points such as a lit candle can help tremendously. Every time your mind starts to wander go back to the lit candle and stare into space. Focusing on the particular object will help you go back to square one. This will take some practice but you will have it down in no time.

Expect Joy

Commit to creating a joyful life. Set an intention because intention is where it's at. The best way to do this is not to get attached to things and their outcomes.

Almost anything that can be obtained, can also be lost. So try not and create an attachment. You can work your whole life for something and tomorrow a tornado can rip it apart. It's sad, but true!

If we commit to things in a joyful manner, then we don't get so stressed out about outcomes . Always be grateful for your life and the things that God has given you!

And as always remember… go out there and be fabulous cuz you are a diamond 💎 ..and you were born to shine!