Today's Bible Reading- Job Chapters 40-42 & Acts Chapter 15 Verses 22-41.

Good morning, my friends. I hope you're well. It's a beautiful sunny day here. We have a high of 87° with a 50% chance of rain today.

Pop made it home safely from Gram's yesterday and the first question he had was if anyone wanted to go fishing. I was too exhausted yesterday, so we may go today. The gentlemen who do our lawn came yesterday and one of them accidentally got my other rose bush. 😢. So no more roses for right now. They are expensive to buy, so I'll probably wait until I have some extra cash and purchase a bigger bush from Lowe's.

I did survive the job interview, though! Thank you, Lord! It was a good interview but I couldn't tell if I'd get an offer from them or not. We shall see. In not, at least I faced my interview fears, and I could even look around for some food service work.

The food stock is getting pretty low, so I'll need to go to the store this weekend some time, but tonight will be stroganoff. Unless we catch some fish. Then it'll be fish and fries…….and maybe a salad.

The pumpkin seeds had a good watering yesterday, so I hope to see some sprouts in the coming days.

Gracie is doing well. She ate a lot yesterday, and she's staying hydrated. Currently, she's having her morning sleep on my pillow.

Well, that's my update for today, folks. I have cats to feed. I'm an hour behind on that. I also have to get my shower and get dressed. Love you all and until next time, stay safe my friends.❤

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