My human body actually suffered an overnight unnatural sudden impact..

In which suddenly shattered any natural resistance i now had to unnatural substance..

Any resistance that my human body did have to unnatural substance has now been simply destroyed..

So what does this tell us as human beans..

This simply tells us human body isn't actually supposed to manage unnatural substance..

At all and if we actually force human body to manage chemical suppression..

The human body will simply now actually depreciate..

By itself..

At the actual speed to which the human body now suffers..

From it's actual unnatural suppression..

The human body simply has a clock work rhythm..

In which naturally supports the human body..

Now when chemical suppression suppresses gut function this simply now interferes with productivity..

In which human body naturally had within itself to support itself by itself..

The overnight destruction of how my body manage unnatural substance..

Was actually destroyed overnight..

In which allowed me to work within myself..

To possibly work this out before my human body was further destroyed..

By my guts unnatural activity from my guts increased sensitivity..

To chemicals..

Now if i never suffered the total destruction of how my human body..

Actually now struggled to manage..

Unnatural substance..


I would never have been able to somehow engage myself enough and actually then naturally recognise..

How my human body was stripped..

Of any chemical tolerance which I thought my human body used to naturally have..

The gut is at the heart which manages chemicals and when the gut has had enough of managing chemicals..

The gut simply then resists chemicals..

So what would have happened if my body didn't suffer a overnight sudden impact..

Is my human body would have slowly depreciated at the same speed..

To which my gut actually also depreciated..

In which simply wouldn't have allowed me the added time needed to naturally create intervention..

In which would have destroyed my human body..

With a slight delay with the speed to which my chemical suppression actually destroyed my gut..

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