Today's Bible Reading- Psalm Chapters 56-58 & Acts Chapter 28 Verses 1-16.

Good morning, my friends. I hope you're well. It's going to be another hot one today. Our high is expected to be 97* with little to no chance of rain. Our heat index hit the triple digits yesterday, so outside work today is definitely not happening.

I've been up for over an hour now. I finally have cup number one of coffee. I was planning on going back to sleep, but it wasn't happening, so I decided to browse the Net on my tablet. Apparently, there was an 8.2 earthquake off the Alaskan coast late last night/early this morning, and for a brief period there was a tsunami watch. The watch has now expired, but wow! That's a big earthquake!

Having seen that news, I immediately went over to YouTube and found my favorite earthquake dude. Dutchsinse. Some of you may know him, some of you may not, but I think he's pretty accurate with predicting the areas where there may be earthquakes. He had already been on right around the time that the quake has just happened, so he was getting live information. I think he's going to make another video today about the quake with updated info. I'd recommend his channel. For weather forecasting in general for the United States, I'd recommend Weatherman Plus on YouTube. There was chitter chatter about him quitting after this year's hurricane season, but I don't have any update on that.

Gracie couldn't wait for Mom to get up, so I got to be the nom nom lady today. Thelma didn't show up for supper last night, so she'll probably be pretty hungry today.

My favorite grocery store has curbside service now, so I decided to give it a try yesterday. The only thing I forgot was ice cream. Bummer. I guess I can make a run for that if I need to. What I do appreciate is that they didn't jack up the prices. I'm starting on our new menu rotation next week, so I got everything for that week. Guess what. It was less than $100. My budget is $150. I was so excited! Very cool. Lots of things on sale. I got me some yogurt for breakfasts, and I also got some Black Forest ham for lunches. Our new menu officially starts on Sunday. We'll be having meatloaf, mashed potatoes and a California blend.

Today I may focus on cleaning and reorganizing the linen closet. We want to use the bottom portion of the closet for emergency supplies. We ordered some of those supplies and they should be coming in tomorrow.

That's all for now, folks. I need to get myself ready for the day, read my Bible and get prepared to feed the cats. Love you all and until next time, stay safe my friends. ❤

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