The sorry plight of the popular masses, combined with the rich revolutionary and democratic traditions from the period of the national-liberation struggles, was conducive to the outbreak of sharp social conflicts even during the first years after the Liberation. Bulgaria was the birthplace of Dimiter Blagoev, the greatest theoretician of Marxism in the Balkans in the late 19th century.

Blagoev was born in the village of Zagorichane, Kostour district (now in Greece) in 1856. He studied in Petersburg, where he founded in 1883 the first social-democratic organization in Russia. Expelled for his revolutionary activities, he began to publish in 1885 the Marxist review Novo Vreme (New Times) and founded in 1891 the Bulgarian Workers' Social Democratic Party. As early as 1903 a split came to a head within the party between the advocates of revolutionary Marxism (narrow socialists) and the opportunists(broad socialists.)! former took a resolute stand against the opportunism of the leaders of the Second Inter-national and against Bulgaria's participation in the First World War. During the war they took shape as a sui generis left-wing current in European social-democracy, standing very close to Russian Bolshevism.

Majority of Bulgarian peasants

Because of the above-said concrete historical conditions, the majority of Bulgarian peasants became very soon aware of their genuine interests and as early as the end of the last century founded a political organization of their own — the Bulgarian Agrarian Party. Unlike many European agrarian parties, which usually adopted the programmes of some of the bourgeois parties, the Bulgarian Agrarian Party had its own petty bourgeois democratic ideology, which contained certain anti-capitalist elements. The Agrarian Party fought together with the narrowists against the monarchy, political reac-tion and the big capital. The leader and ideologist of the Agrarian Party Alexander Stamboliiski was thrown into prison for his struggle against the King and against Bulgaria's involvement in the First World War.

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