Global Politics posted: "Denna artikel 29 maj av Caitlin Johnstone Israels berättelse-hantering blir otroligt desperat och fräck har vänligen översatts av Rolf Nilsson. Den behandlar den uppmärksammade artikeln i New York Times 28 maj med bilder på framsidan av 64 palestinska ba"
Denna artikel 29 maj av Caitlin Johnstone Israels berättelse-hantering blir otroligt desperat och fräck har vänligen översatts av Rolf Nilsson. Den behandlar den uppmärksammade artikeln i New York Times 28 maj med bilder på framsidan av 64 palestinska barn som dödats av Israels angrepp. Något som kan vara en inledning till en ändring av mediabilden […]
gaiazoe posted: " CASAhomewear è una società innovativa che utilizza la realtà aumentata per scegliere e acquistare la biancheria da letto. Ma le aziende possono anche fare qualcosa di concreto grazie allo shopping ed è così che CASAhomewear ha deciso per tutto il 2021 di"
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CASAhomewear è una società innovativa che utilizza la realtà aumentata per scegliere e acquistare la biancheria da letto. Ma le aziende possono anche fare qualcosa di concreto grazie allo shopping ed è così che CASAhomewear ha deciso per tutto il 2021 di donare 2 euro per ogni acquisto effettuato dalla collezione Amici a 4 Zampe a Enpa (Ente Nazionale Protezioni Animali).
La sostenibilitĂ di CASAHomewear
CASAhomewear è una nuova realtà nel mercato dell'online, ma da subito ha posto in evidenza la propria vena non solo spiccatamente all'avanguardia nel mondo digitale, con la app di realtà aumentata per visualizzare le referenze a catalogo sul proprio letto di casa, ma anche un'anima ambientale e sociale. Infatti seleziona per il suo catalogo aziende che rispecchiano i valori di sostenibilità ecologica e sociale puntando su qualità , ecosostenibilità , Made in Italy, cotone biologico, imbottiture da pet riciclato: insomma una vasta offerta di prodotti nel rispetto dell'ambiente e della salute oltre che dello stile. "Abbiamo scelto di puntare su proposte recycling friendly e pet friendly" ha spiegato Lara Corna Responsabile R&D CASAhomewear. "premiandocoll ezioni ecologicamente sostenibili, come quella di Happidea con imbottiture in pet riciclato e packaging in cotone riutilizzabile. E se prima avevamo pensato alle povere oche sostituendo alle piume nei piumini, le bottiglie in plastica riciclata, ora vogliamo supportare la più antica e la più grande associazione nazionale italiana per la protezione animale".
trumstravels posted: " This guy fell asleep, he must have read my Blog Post We went to this spot a couple of times in the last two weeks. It's a great spot for the birders, Clint and I like birds but we aren't experts by any means. I know they have So "
This guy fell asleep, he must have read my Blog Post
We went to this spot a couple of times in the last two weeks. It's a great spot for the birders, Clint and I like birds but we aren't experts by any means. I know they have So as per usual, we packed a lunch, grabbed our coffees and headed out about 530 a.m.
So Prince Edward Point Bird Observatory is located in the south-east corner of the County in the Prince Edward Point Bird National Wildlife Area. It was established in 1978 and is about 560 hectares; it is a great area, right on Lake Ontario. I feel like wherever we go on our day trips in our area we are somehow beside, or near Lake Ontario, it seems to be everywhere. We have been out here so many times, I like driving around this area. But today we were here for the birds! Thousands and thousands of birds go through this area every spring. It is quite the spot if you are into birding.
Signage Trail to see the birdsCatbirdYellow Warbler and he's very happyYellow Warbler, not so happy
The photo below is not about the bird but there were swarms of bugs, some form of shadfly all over the place. You would be walking along and all of a sudden there was a swarm just flying in one spot. You can see the little dots in the photo below. There were no mosquitos though so that was great.
Bird and some bugs Some flowers aka weeds beside the trailChipping SparrowScarlet Tanager
When we were done on the trails, we drove down and parked across from the Point Traverse Lighthouse. The road to the lighthouse was gated off but you can walk a trail to get to it. We did part of the trail.
Point Traverse Lighthouse
Nice spot and lots to look at. We were photographing these seagulls diving into the water. I got one with just the wings sticking out of the water, it was kind of neat watching them. I think they get a bad rap.
Seagull diving in for his dinnerHeading out to Lake OntarioTiny Nest
On our way home we passed this field and I thought it was pretty. I believe it is a field of canola.
Russian Tigger posted: "Hi fellow addicts Thanks for all your comments on the difficulties created by the drops for defeating Evil Wizard Carter, but you'll all be glad to know support listened and you once again only need to defeat him once. "
Thanks for all your comments on the difficulties created by the drops for defeating Evil Wizard Carter, but you'll all be glad to know support listened and you once again only need to defeat him once.